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Frequently Asked Questions

Zeoclere Premium Grade Filter Media

I’ve always used sand in my filter, is Zeoclere a straight swap?

Yes. You will observe when switching to Zeoclere that the pool water has far better clarity, your chlorine usage will reduce and savings will be made by less backwashing. Every time you backwash you are dumping water that is expensive to replace, you are losing heated water which needs re-heating and the chemical water balance will be affected, therefore, additional chemicals are required. Zeoclere has a pedigree over two decades of delivering satisfactory water conditions to domestic, hydrotherapy, school, holiday camp and municipal pools.

Jolly Gel Swimming Pool Flocculent 

I installed a cube of Jolly Gel in the pump strainer pot and it’s still there after 48 hours?

There are two reasons why the Jolly Gel cube is still in the pot: you have not run the pump continuously for 24+ hours. Alternatively, the water temperature is below 26C (78F) – if this is the case the cube can be slower to dissolve.

The Jolly Gel cube has gone ‘rock hard’ – is this a problem?

The reason the Jolly Gel cube has hardened is either because it is very old or it has been left in a high ambient temperature. The cube going rock hard is not a problem. Once immersed in water it will eventually return to its original shape and will perform.

How many cubes should I use?

You only need to place one cube in the pump basket (not in the skimmer). For a private pool, one JG4 cube will service up to 12,500 gallons of water, which equals 20m3 - 60m3  and for a commercial pool, Jolly Gel Commercial will service up to 100,000 imperial gallons.

How often do I need to use a cube?

It is not necessary to use Jolly Gel all the time, only when the water is cloudy. Cloudy water also can be caused by incorrect water treatment, incorrect pH, and incorrect alkalinity. Speak to your pool shop about this.

Can I put the cube into the skimmer basket?

It is not advisable to put a cube in the skimmer basket. If you put chlorine tablets into the skimmer basket, the Jolly Gel can, for a period of time, encapsulate the tablet. Also, the skimmer basket collects general debris (eg leaves). Jolly Gel is a glutinous substance, therefore, leaves and general debris will, until the gel dissolves, stick to it. The recommendation is to place the cube only in the pump strainer basket where it works more efficiently.

Clear‘n’Clean Pool Algaecide

Can I use Clear'n'Clean to kill the algae growth from my fish pond?

No, you should not use Clear'n'Clean in a fish pond because it is harmful to aquatic life and pond plants.

How does Clear'n'Clean reduce chlorine usage?

By using Clear'n'Clean, which stops algae growth, chlorine can concentrate on inhibiting bacteria in the water.

Should I use Clear‘n’Clean during the winter shutdown period and therefore do I need to add chlorine?

Yes, do use Clear'n'Clean prior to the winter shut down. You do not need to use chlorine if the pool is not being used. However, when the swimming pool season starts, shock dose the pool with chlorine and commence normal water treatment.

Vac-Alert - Pool Anti-Entrapment Safety System 

Can anyone install Vac-Alert

The only people who should install Vac-Alert anti-entrapment valves are qualified swimming pool engineers.  For detailed information, contact MSI. 

What is a Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS)?

An SVRS is a device capable of providing vacuum release at a suction outlet caused by a high vacuum occurrence due to a suction outlet flow blockage. The SVRS unit reacts in less than a second to quickly release life-threatening system suction. SVRS devices must allow for vacuum release with or without suction outlet cover(s) in place.

Does Vac-Alert VA-2000 meet the new state codes?

Vac-Alert VA-2000 now meets or exceeds all-new American state codes regarding entrapment protection. Vac-Alert has been third-party tested to meet the performance requirements complying with ASME/ANSI 112.19.17 manufactured safety vacuum release system (SVRS).

Will Vac-Alert affect my operating system suction or return pressure?

Correctly installed, Vac-Alert VA-2000 will not affect operating flow in any way. Vac-Alert is designed to react to a sudden spike in suction. Water never enters the unit itself, therefore, the system will not be negatively affected.

How does Vac-Alert prevent entrapment?

Piston activation introduces air into the suction line and quickly cavitates the pump and releases the suction force.

How do I maintain Vac-Alert VA-2000?

Vac-Alert is made from durable PVC, Viton and rust-resistant 316 stainless steel which guarantees long-lasting reliable service.  The Vac-Alert is all mechanical, non-electrical.  Vac-Alert VA-2000 comes with a three-year limited warranty.

Should I install a Vac-Alert on every pump?

Yes.  One SVRS for every pump that draws water from the pool is required. This includes pumps dedicated to spas, fountains, slides and other water leisure amenities.

Will Vac-Alert “burn out” my pump if it trips?

The VA-2000 is designed with a check valve to maintain an approximate 30% flow if tripped. This is more than adequate flow to protect the pump but allows no strong suction force to be re-established.

How is Vac-Alert VA-2000 installed?

Vac-Alert is easily installed and field adjusted. Vac-Alert is vertically mounted by a pipe “T” into the suction line between the main drain outlet and the pool pump. 

How do I ensure Vac-Alert is working properly?

Vac-Alert should be tested periodically. Refer to the Vac-Alert installation instructions.

Cruiser C600 Automatic Pool Cleaner

Why does my Cruiser C600 is moving very slowly around the pool?

The Cruiser is designed to move slowly across the bottom of the pool.  If it moves too quickly it will put debris into suspension, which you do not want.  However, if you think the head is moving far too slowly, this can be because the filter bed needs backwashing, therefore, a 5-minute  backwash followed by a 3-minute rinse should increase the flow through the bed. Alternatively, the filter pump may be underrated.  The Cruiser needs a minimum of 25 gallons per minute before it will perform effectively. In some old or poorly designed swimming pools, where the pipework has been underrated, the hydraulics of the system can disrupt the Cruiser function.

Puronizer Pool Ioniser

Does my Puronizer need to be switched on all the time?

No. Once the copper level has reached 0.5 on the test kit, you can switch off the Puronizer. Thereafter test the water for copper content periodically. The copper content will generally be diluted by a loss of water after backwashing and after topping up the pool water. If it is an outdoor pool, heavy rain can also dilute the copper content.

Do I need to use chlorine in conjunction with the Puronizer?

On a very lightly used family pool, the need to use chlorine is reduced. However, as body fats can build up in the water, it is advisable to shock dose with chlorine periodically. Always keep the pH in the pool water between 7.2–7.6 and the alkalinity between 80-200mgl.

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